TYPES OF STOCKS 2018.01.31 2018.02.28 2018.03.31 2018.04.30 2018.05.31 2018.06.30 2018.07.31 2018.08.31 2018.09.30 2018.10.31 2018.11.30 2018.12.31
Volume of crude oil and petroleum products (kt)
Crude oil 540.4 540.8 599.2 690.5 725.3 785.0 785.5 785.8 785.6 748.6 668.8 608.0
Gas oil 514.2 514.3 506.3 467.1 447.4 440.3 440.4 440.2 440.2 447.1 472.9 501.2
Gasoline 268.7 268.4 237.2 216.1 211.5 210.5 210.1 210.2 210.4 227.5 255.5 268.6
Number of stock days 93  93  94  89  89 92  92 92  92 91 91  90
Volume of crude oil and petroleum products in crude oil equivalent (ktoe)
Crude oil 466.9 467.3 517.7 596.5 626.6 678.2 678.7 678.9 678.8 646.8 577.9 525.7
Gas oil 555.3 555.4 546.8 504.5 483.2 475.5 475.6 475.4 475.5 482.9 510.7 541.3
Gasoline 290.2 289.8 256.1 233.4 228.5 227.3 226.9 227.0 227.2 245.8 276.0 290.1
Volume of natural gas stocks
Mcm 1 200.0 1 200.0 1 200.0 1 200.0 1 200.0 1 200.0 1 200.0 1 200.0 1 200.0 1 199.7 1 199.7 1 198.3
GWh 12 723.6 12 723.6 12 723.6 12 723.6 12 723.6 12 723.6 12 723.6 12 723.6 12 723.6 12 720.8 12 720.8 12 705.3


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